10 tips to save gas and drive more efficiently

The price of gasoline continues to rise, maintaining the upward trend since last November. Reducing gas consumption is as good for our pocket as it is for the planet.

Here we share 10 tips to save fuel:

1. Plan the trip

A well-planned trip will allow you to reach your destination in the fastest, easiest, and safest way, and, therefore, to drive more efficiently with the consequent saving of fuel. And is that lengthening only ten minutes a journey of one hour causes an increase in fuel consumption of up to 14%


2. Avoid sudden accelerations and heavy braking

Sudden accelerations also put a strain on the engine. Again, it is best to drive smoothly. For example, when the traffic light turns green, you need to accelerate smoothly. This reflex can save you up to 20% on fuel, depending on the car model.


3. Check the tire pressure

The tires must be inflated to the pressure indicated by the manufacturer and according to the weather conditions (with very cold the tire needs a little more pressure). Driving using tires with a pressure 0.5 bar lower than the correct one causes consumption to increase by 2% in urban areas and 4% in interurban areas.


4. Maintain a steady speed

If we do not have cruise control it is important on the road to maintain a uniform or stable speed. To do this, it is necessary to seek a certain fluidity in the circulation avoiding braking, accelerating, and changing gears if it is not necessary.

Driving at more than about 20 km / h with a gear engaged, fuel consumption is practically nil if you do not step on the accelerator. At idle, the car consumes between 0.5 and 0.7 liters/hour.


5. Leave the essentials in the trunk

Before starting the march, especially if it is a trip, we must rationalize the volume and distribution of the load. It is not only a matter of space, driving with 100 kilos of unnecessary weight onboard causes fuel consumption, in a mid-size car, to skyrocket 6%.


6. Use the air conditioning correctly

Air conditioning is one of the non-essential systems for the operation of the car that consumes the most energy since it works thanks to the engine. It is important not to set the temperature too low, since the more the cabin has to cool, the more energy and therefore fuel it will spend. Ideally and as far as possible, we should put the air conditioning only 5 ° C lower than the outside temperature.


7. Windows must be closed

We shouldn't leave the windows open (and neither should the sunroof). With the windows and/or the sunroof open, the air gets into the car so it takes more effort and therefore more fuel to break the resistance to the air and reach the speed we want. Instead, it is more efficient and effective to use air conditioning (but in reasonable doses, as we have seen before). On the other hand, open windows do not have a really noticeable impact on fuel consumption in the city and at low speeds.


8. Turn off the engine when you are stopped

In prolonged stops, such as when we are waiting for someone or answering a call, it is advisable to turn off the engine. In fact, an engine spends more idling than starting and stopping it.


9. Take advantage of the drops

Use the descents to save on fuel consumption. Take advantage of the inertia to advance the gear change while circulating at low revs. On climbs, it delays downshifting as much as possible, slightly increasing pressure on the accelerator, but never fully depressing.


10. Use the engine brake

If you let go of the accelerator when you realize you need to break, the fuel supply almost stops, reducing fuel consumption by up to 2%. Always drive with an adequate safe distance and a wide field of vision that allows you to see two or three vehicles ahead.

source: diariodesevilla.es


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